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The content-align style aligns content inside a widget.


content-align: <horizontal> <vertical>; content-align-horizontal: <horizontal>; content-align-vertical: <vertical>;

The content-align style takes a <horizontal> followed by a <vertical>.

You can specify the alignment of content on both the horizontal and vertical axes at the same time, or on each of the axis separately. To specify content alignment on a single axis, use the respective style and type:

  • content-align-horizontal takes a <horizontal> and does alignment along the horizontal axis; and
  • content-align-vertical takes a <vertical> and does alignment along the vertical axis.


Basic usage

This first example shows three labels stacked vertically, each with different content alignments.

ContentAlignApp With content-align you can... ...Easily align content... ...Horizontally and vertically!

from import App
from textual.widgets import Label

class ContentAlignApp(App):
    CSS_PATH = "content_align.tcss"

    def compose(self):
        yield Label("With [i]content-align[/] you can...", id="box1")
        yield Label("...[b]Easily align content[/]...", id="box2")
        yield Label("...Horizontally [i]and[/] vertically!", id="box3")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = ContentAlignApp()
#box1 {
    content-align: left top;
    background: red;

#box2 {
    content-align-horizontal: center;
    content-align-vertical: middle;
    background: green;

#box3 {
    content-align: right bottom;
    background: blue;

Label {
    width: 100%;
    height: 1fr;
    padding: 1;
    color: white;

All content alignments

The next example shows a 3 by 3 grid of labels. Each label has its text aligned differently.

AllContentAlignApp left topcenter topright top left middlecenter middleright middle left bottomcenter bottomright bottom

from import App
from textual.widgets import Label

class AllContentAlignApp(App):
    CSS_PATH = "content_align_all.tcss"

    def compose(self):
        yield Label("left top", id="left-top")
        yield Label("center top", id="center-top")
        yield Label("right top", id="right-top")
        yield Label("left middle", id="left-middle")
        yield Label("center middle", id="center-middle")
        yield Label("right middle", id="right-middle")
        yield Label("left bottom", id="left-bottom")
        yield Label("center bottom", id="center-bottom")
        yield Label("right bottom", id="right-bottom")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = AllContentAlignApp()
#left-top {
    /* content-align: left top; this is the default implied value. */
#center-top {
    content-align: center top;
#right-top {
    content-align: right top;
#left-middle {
    content-align: left middle;
#center-middle {
    content-align: center middle;
#right-middle {
    content-align: right middle;
#left-bottom {
    content-align: left bottom;
#center-bottom {
    content-align: center bottom;
#right-bottom {
    content-align: right bottom;

Screen {
    layout: grid;
    grid-size: 3 3;
    grid-gutter: 1;

Label {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background: $primary;


/* Align content in the very center of a widget */
content-align: center middle;
/* Align content at the top right of a widget */
content-align: right top;

/* Change the horizontal alignment of the content of a widget */
content-align-horizontal: right;
/* Change the vertical alignment of the content of a widget */
content-align-vertical: middle;


# Align content in the very center of a widget
widget.styles.content_align = ("center", "middle")
# Align content at the top right of a widget
widget.styles.content_align = ("right", "top")

# Change the horizontal alignment of the content of a widget
widget.styles.content_align_horizontal = "right"
# Change the vertical alignment of the content of a widget
widget.styles.content_align_vertical = "middle"

See also

  • align to set the alignment of children widgets inside a container.
  • text-align to set the alignment of text in a widget.