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The link-style style sets the text style for the link text.


link-style only applies to Textual action links as described in the actions guide and not to regular hyperlinks.


link-style: <text-style>;

link-style will take all the values specified and will apply that styling to text that is enclosed by a Textual action link.


If not provided, a Textual action link will have link-style set to underline.


The example below shows some links with different styles applied to their text. It also shows that link-style does not affect hyperlinks.

LinkStyleApp Visit the Textualize website. Click here for the bell sound. You can also click here for the bell sound. Exit this application.

from import App
from textual.widgets import Label

class LinkStyleApp(App):
    CSS_PATH = "link_style.tcss"

    def compose(self):
        yield Label(
            "Visit the [link='']Textualize[/link] website.",
            id="lbl1",  # (1)!
        yield Label(
            "Click [@click=app.bell]here[/] for the bell sound.",
            id="lbl2",  # (2)!
        yield Label(
            "You can also click [@click=app.bell]here[/] for the bell sound.",
            id="lbl3",  # (3)!
        yield Label(
            "[@click=app.quit]Exit this application.[/]",
            id="lbl4",  # (4)!

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = LinkStyleApp()
  1. This label has a hyperlink so it won't be affected by the link-style rule.
  2. This label has an "action link" that can be styled with link-style.
  3. This label has an "action link" that can be styled with link-style.
  4. This label has an "action link" that can be styled with link-style.
#lbl1, #lbl2 {
    link-style: bold italic;  /* (1)! */

#lbl3 {
    link-style: reverse strike;

#lbl4 {
    link-style: bold;
  1. This will only affect one of the labels because action links are the only links that this rule affects.


link-style: bold;
link-style: bold italic reverse;


widget.styles.link_style = "bold"
widget.styles.link_style = "bold italic reverse"

See also

  • link-style-hover to set the style of link text when the mouse pointer is over it.
  • text-style to set the style of text in a widget.