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The text-style style sets the style for the text in a widget.


text-style: <text-style>;

text-style will take all the values specified and will apply that styling combination to the text in the widget.


Basic usage

Each of the three text panels has a different text style, respectively bold, italic, and reverse, from left to right.

TextStyleApp I must not fear.I must not fear.I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.Fear is the mind-killer.Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death Fear is the little-death Fear is the little-death  that brings total that brings total that brings total  obliteration.obliteration.obliteration. I will face my fear.I will face my fear.I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass I will permit it to pass I will permit it to pass  over me and through me.over me and through me.over me and through me. And when it has gone past,And when it has gone past, And when it has gone past,  I will turn the inner eye I will turn the inner eye I will turn the inner eye  to see its see its see its path. Where the fear has gone Where the fear has gone Where the fear has gone  there will be nothing. there will be nothing. Onlythere will be nothing. Only Only I will remain.I will remain.I will remain.

from import App
from textual.widgets import Label

TEXT = """I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."""

class TextStyleApp(App):
    CSS_PATH = "text_style.tcss"

    def compose(self):
        yield Label(TEXT, id="lbl1")
        yield Label(TEXT, id="lbl2")
        yield Label(TEXT, id="lbl3")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = TextStyleApp()
Screen {
    layout: horizontal;
Label {
    width: 1fr;
#lbl1 {
    background: red 30%;
    text-style: bold;
#lbl2 {
    background: green 30%;
    text-style: italic;
#lbl3 {
    background: blue 30%;
    text-style: reverse;

All text styles

The next example shows all different text styles on their own, as well as some combinations of styles in a single widget.

AllTextStyleApp   nonebolditalicreverse   I must not fear.I must not fear.I must not fear.I must not fear.   Fear is the Fear is the Fear is the Fear is the    mind-killer.mind-killer.mind-killer.mind-killer.   Fear is the Fear is the Fear is the Fear is the    little-death that  little-death that little-death thatlittle-death that    brings total brings total brings total brings total    obliteration.obliteration.obliteration.obliteration.   I will face my I will face my I will face my I will face my    fear.fear.fear.fear. strikeunderlinebold italicreverse strike I must not fear.I must not fear.I must not fear.I must not fear. Fear is the Fear is the Fear is the Fear is the  mind-killer.mind-killer.mind-killer.mind-killer. Fear is the Fear is the Fear is the Fear is the  little-death thatlittle-death that little-death thatlittle-death that  brings total brings total brings total brings total  obliteration.obliteration.obliteration.obliteration. I will face my I will face my I will face my I will face my  fear.fear.fear.fear. I will permit it I will permit it I will permit it I will permit it 

from import App
from textual.containers import Grid
from textual.widgets import Label

TEXT = """I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."""

class AllTextStyleApp(App):
    CSS_PATH = "text_style_all.tcss"

    def compose(self):
        yield Grid(
            Label("none\n" + TEXT, id="lbl1"),
            Label("bold\n" + TEXT, id="lbl2"),
            Label("italic\n" + TEXT, id="lbl3"),
            Label("reverse\n" + TEXT, id="lbl4"),
            Label("strike\n" + TEXT, id="lbl5"),
            Label("underline\n" + TEXT, id="lbl6"),
            Label("bold italic\n" + TEXT, id="lbl7"),
            Label("reverse strike\n" + TEXT, id="lbl8"),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = AllTextStyleApp()
#lbl1 {
    text-style: none;

#lbl2 {
    text-style: bold;

#lbl3 {
    text-style: italic;

#lbl4 {
    text-style: reverse;

#lbl5 {
    text-style: strike;

#lbl6 {
    text-style: underline;

#lbl7 {
    text-style: bold italic;

#lbl8 {
    text-style: reverse strike;

Grid {
    grid-size: 4;
    grid-gutter: 1 2;
    margin: 1 2;
    height: 100%;

Label {
    height: 100%;


text-style: italic;


widget.styles.text_style = "italic"